Looking to develop your athletes and coaches into world-class leaders both on and off the playing fields?
Based on our work with top college athletic departments across the country like Michigan, Stanford, Notre Dame, LSU, Illinois, Arkansas, Arizona, Pitt, Baylor, and Colorado, the Janssen Sports Leadership Center offers a variety of workshops and programs tailored to meet your specific goals, budget, and time frame. Check out an overview of our various programs below - and click on the RED links for more detailed information about each program.
The LEADERSHIP SUMMIT is an introductory leadership program that includes a 75-minute interactive workshop for a group of 40-60 designated student-athlete leaders. The LEADERSHIP SUMMIT also includes a 75-minute workshop for the coaching staff on how best to develop, select, and partner with team captains and leaders.
Primary Goals:
- Inspire and inform athletes and coaches about the importance of leadership
- Teach leaders what it means to be effective Leaders by Example and Vocal Leaders
- Show leaders how to lead during obstacles, adversity, and stress
- Help leaders pinpoint their leadership strengths and areas to improve
Introductory Leadership Workshop for 40-60 student-athlete leaders (sophs, juniors, seniors)
Introductory Leadership Workshop for the coaching staff
75 minute workshop for student-athletes and 75 minute workshops for coaches
The more intensive LEADERSHIP RETREAT includes up to six hours of advanced leadership training for student-athletes and coaches conducted in a fun and fast-paced environment. The programming targets two separate student-athlete groups, Emerging Leaders and Veteran Leaders, based on their readiness to assume leadership roles. We also provide an advanced leadership workshop for the coaching staff.
Plus, to reinforce and extend the programming throughout the year, the participants also receive a copy of The Team Captain's Leadership Manual and a year-long membership to the online TeamCaptainsNetwok.com. The LEADERSHIP RETREAT makes a great early season option to provide your leaders with the knowledge and skills they'll need to step up and lead throughout the season.
- Advanced Leadership Workshop for 20-40 sophomore/junior Emerging Leaders (2 hours)
- Advanced Leadership Workshop for 20-40 junior/senior Veteran Leaders (2 hours)
- Advanced leadership Workshop with coaching staff from all sports (2 hours)
- 60 copies of The Team Captain's Leadership Manual
- 60 year-long memberships to the TeamCaptainsNetwork.com
Primary Goals:
- Help leaders and coaches understand their role in monitoring and influencing commitment
- Teaching leaders how to use four key sources to build confidence in themselves and others
- Prepare leaders to effectively communicate by encouraging and enforcing
- Establish the importance of creating and preserving a positive team culture
Emerging Leaders (sophomores/juniors), Veteran Leaders (juniors/seniors), and Coaches
2 hour workshop for Emerging Leaders, 2 hour workshop for Veteran Leaders, and 2 hour workshop for Coaches
The comprehensive Leadership Academy provides your athletic an ongoing and integrated approach to leadership development by targeting and training three distinct groups of leaders (Emerging Leaders, Veteran Leaders, Leadership 360) and distributes the training with multiple modules offered throughout the school year to maximize learning, retention, and application. In addition to the programming, the Leadership Academy also includes educational resources for all participants to reinforce and extend the learning as well as an ongoing consulting retainer with the Janssen Sports Leadership Center for advice and troubleshooting various issues that arise throughout the year.
Audiences and Primary Goals:
In the Leadership Academy, the customized leadership development programming for student-athletes targets three specific groups based on their year in school as well as their readiness to assume leadership roles. The three programs include the Emerging Leaders program for developing leaders as sophomores and juniors, Veteran Leaders for established leaders as juniors and seniors, and Leadership 360 for seniors.
Emerging Leaders Program Goals:
- Identify and develop high potential leaders in their sophomore or junior years
- Create solid Leaders by Example and set the stage for developing Vocal Leaders
- Build a strong network of peer leaders
- Develop leaders who support and learn from current team captains/leaders (succession planning)
- Teach prospective leaders how to gain respect and develop leadership skills with their peer group
Veteran Leaders Program Goals:
- Encourage established leaders to step up and be Vocal Leaders on their teams
- Provide established leaders with ongoing support as they tackle the tough issues of team leadership
- Provide established leaders with a solid peer network for guidance and support
- Review and extend the insights and skills necessary to be a responsible and respected leader
- Establish a solid, cooperative and ongoing partnership with the coaching staff
Leadership 360 Program Goals:
- Help leaders clearly see their strengths and areas to improve by undergoing a 360 Evaluation
- Develop a comprehensive and customized Leadership Development Plan to maximize strengths and minimize blindspots
- Provide leaders with the skills and support to effectively troubleshoot the challenges they face throughout the school year
- Encourage leaders to apply their leadership skills to impact the campus and community
- Provide leaders with high level leadership training and experiences that make them highly attractive to interested employers
75 minute customized workshops are conducted with each of the three student-athlete groups (Emerging Leaders, Veteran Leaders, Leadership 360) during each visit. Student-athletes can also meet individually with the facilitator to personalize their leadership development and/or discuss any team challenges.
Contact Us Today for More Information
For more information on our programs, contact us today at [email protected] or 1-888-721-TEAM.